Talking Urinals

Have you hear of the latest deterant to drunk driving, the talking urinal? Restaurants and bars in New Mexico have deployed them into the restrooms. A flirty woman’s voice comes across saying, “Hey, how are you going to get home? Have you had too much to drink?” A more effective approach might be to use a stern male voice such as, “Hey you! You can’t see me but I’m a cop and I’ll be looking out for you on the road.”

If a RID person were to receive such a message they would respond, “I’m sorry I can’t hear you with the water running.”


Pot distracts Public on Alcohol’s harm

Ask any law enforcement official which domestic situation they’d prefer to avoid:

1) An individual or group high on liquid drugs… alcohol?
2) An individual or group high on marijuana?

Does anyone really doubt which drug has the statistically higher ratio of violence & death… even though marijuana smokers face much harsher penalties… including longer prison terms and forfeiture of assets… a drunk person would have to kill somebody to perhaps warrant such justice!

  The societial sentiments of this imbalance of justice can be traced to the advertising of alcohol particularly beer. The image of that drug is portrayed as funny and harmless. The only image of marijuana is one of addiction and endless bad results that  accompany it. Of course, the Alcohol industry benefits not only from the misleading PR, it also trashs one of it’s biggest competitors, pot.

If our drug policy were based on the harm inflicted by the drug in question, alcohol wouldn’t be advertised so freely and marijuana would be de-criminalized at the very least. 

Super Bowl major DWI Event

It’s Super Bowl Sunday so hooray for all the anti-DWI efforts by police, fire stations and security officers at the Super Bowl site in Phoenix, AZ. Arizona has a higher rate of alcohol related highway deaths(45.4%) than the entire national rate(41.3%) in 2006.

Hopefully, breath testing equipment is available and used at sports bars across the Nation to prevent impaired drivers from killing and maiming our families.

The Super Bowl has gotten so big as a drinking specticle, it rivals any major holiday in alcohol consumed. A media analyist on FOX news joked that Presidential candidates didn’t want to purchase the costly TV Ads during the Super Bowl(Over $2 million for a second spot) since most of the viewers would be intoxicated and unable to comprehend or retain any message in their commercial. This is a rare example of the media telling the truth about the effects of alcohol. It also a sad commentary on how acceptable getting drunk is on Super Sunday.

Former Yankee in fatal DWI crash

When former New York Yankee star Jim Levitz allegedly ran through a red light, hit another car killing its occupant, he got out of jail, almost immediately by posting an $11,000 bond. Too bad his alleged victim had no recourse, live at 30 years of age, she was dead. Levitz was charged with DUI and killing another driver. Did he have time to sober up before being released? What is your take on Florida DUI laws?

Fairness Docutrine in the Campaign

After listening to many of the Presidential debates for both sides, I didn’t hear anyone complain about the alcohol ads aimed at teeenagers, and only one candidate spoke in favor of restoring the Fairness Docutrine(Democratic Rep. Dennis Kusinich). Without the Fairness Docutrine the public has no mandating access to cable or network television. How about complaining about that to your favorite candidate?

Welcome to the RID Blog

Welcome Everyone,

Thank you for checking out my new blog. As President and Founder of RID-USA, the oldest anti-drunk driving group, I will be blogging on issues surrounding drunk driving, teen binge drinking and how these issues are covered in the media.

We have a new webmaster, Evan Shelhamer. If you experience any technical difficulties in using our blog or posting comments, you can e-mail me. I welcome your comments to these important issues as well as your suggestions and solutions to these serious problems which don’t receive the attention they deserve in the public arena.

You may also use my blog as a forum to bring attention to cases flying under the radar of the national media. I look forward to hearing your opinions and I will try my best to answer any questions you may have regarding RID, the services we provide to the general public and our policies that have made RID the most effective organization in detering drunk driving.


Doris Aiken, RID-USA President