Angel Tragedy Avoidable

The Los Angeles Angel Pitcher Nick Ardenhart and two friends are now with the angels forever thanks to a repeat DWI offender. This was no accident. It was murder.

When will innocent people be protected against repeat scofflaws who kill and maim(greater than 13,000 last year).

When the law will demand that all repeat offenders, as well as, those who drive unlicensed, must have an ignition interlock device(IID) installed in his/her car. The driver has to breath into the IID before starting the car. Any alcohol greater than .02 will kill the ignition. A simple device like this could have saved three lives, the injury of a 4th person and the anguish and trauma of the Ardenhart family. Why isn’t this law for the IID in place in California?


Yo! I just returned from Nashville, TN, staffing the RID-USA booth at the 2009 Lifesavers’ Conference (1900 attendees from every State including 8 RIDders from NH,KY, TN and NY ) ca,e by the booth. I got the hard facts on % of youths who committed suicide connected to alcohol, no.s of the drop in DWI deaths State by State, a new commitment to share info with MADD on pending legislative goals, and the strong motivation to continue our efforts to deter underage drinking. (Three teen suicides/attempts at suicides occurred recently in my local high school ). I will make the connection between alcohol overdose and underage bingeing as a Speaker at the next Lifesavers Conferencein Philadelphia 4-11-2010.
Detailson alcohol-related unexpected teen deaths and the Conference facts will appear on the upcoming Spring RID newsletter. Blog me back if you want a copy or if you want to join RID at $20.
Doris Aiken

21 drinking Age Saves Lives of Teens

There is no link between the 21 drinking age and teen binge drinking. The 21 drinking age saved the lives of 25,000 youths since 1985; its sole purpose is to stop teens from driving to bars with their friends, drink up, and drive home at great risk to all of us.

Parents should treat their young to the same anger and fear for safety in connection with alcohol use as they do with the other illegal drugs. We are all swimming in an alcoholized media environment that promotes drinking on every possible occasion on the internet, cable & broadcast ads, sports events, clothing, cops, T-shirts, most aimed at youth. “Beer is food” is a popularT-shirt logo for teens. Parents wake up, explain to their teens and sub-teens that the developing body during puberty is more vulnerable to alcohol addiction and alcohol poisoning than adults. The fastest growing percent of AA clients are teenagers. The last drink before teens are arrested for DWI was provided at home, or a friends’ home(90%). Parents are the keys to deter underaged drinking.

College Presidents wrong on drinking age

Many more youths die of alcohol overdose drinking mainly vodka, disguised as water in commercial water bottles. They drink alone in dorms, on campuses(1,700 die annually there of AOD). Colleges aren’t educating teen peer groups to recognize the symptoms of alcohol abuse and what to do about it. Many needless deaths occur for lack of this vital information.

However, parents and evidently the Amethyst people who offer education on college campuses, don’t know why teens shouldn’t drink alcohol. This is why: The myelin, a thin sheath surrounding the nerve leading to the brain is thin during puberty, then thickens with age, thickest at age 22. The thin, young sheath admits alcohol quickly to the brain, causing heart rate and breathing to slow. The disease of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) involves the breakdown of the myelin sheath often leading to death.

If we were scientific about health issues, the drinking age should be 22. The old disclaimer from the alcohol industry that soldiers should be allowed to drink at any age is a myth. The best soldier is sober, can aim his gun, has peripheral vision and sharp reflexes, all of which begin to fail at the .04 BAC  Level according to former US Surgeon General Koop.

If parents don’t educate their 12-14 youths about this basic health information, hold beer parties at home for the kids, think “beer is food” and “know when to say when”, we will continue to develop an increase in alcohol dependency by the time these youths reach their twenties and thirties. It is shameful that none of the presidential candidates don’t push for a sane national alcohol policy at the Federal level to require health alerts after each ad aimed at youths; that drinking alcohol fast can kill in a matter of hours. No college that accepts alcohol ads on campus should receive tax dollars from the government unless they have a mandated alcohol education program involving parents. For example, no student could play sports if they failed to bring a parent to the alcohol education program held in the evening or weekends. Presidential candidates should not appear drinking “boiler makers”, a kind of binge drinking, to win votes and contributions from the alcohol industry.

Pot distracts Public on Alcohol’s harm

Ask any law enforcement official which domestic situation they’d prefer to avoid:

1) An individual or group high on liquid drugs… alcohol?
2) An individual or group high on marijuana?

Does anyone really doubt which drug has the statistically higher ratio of violence & death… even though marijuana smokers face much harsher penalties… including longer prison terms and forfeiture of assets… a drunk person would have to kill somebody to perhaps warrant such justice!

  The societial sentiments of this imbalance of justice can be traced to the advertising of alcohol particularly beer. The image of that drug is portrayed as funny and harmless. The only image of marijuana is one of addiction and endless bad results that  accompany it. Of course, the Alcohol industry benefits not only from the misleading PR, it also trashs one of it’s biggest competitors, pot.

If our drug policy were based on the harm inflicted by the drug in question, alcohol wouldn’t be advertised so freely and marijuana would be de-criminalized at the very least. 

Super Bowl major DWI Event

It’s Super Bowl Sunday so hooray for all the anti-DWI efforts by police, fire stations and security officers at the Super Bowl site in Phoenix, AZ. Arizona has a higher rate of alcohol related highway deaths(45.4%) than the entire national rate(41.3%) in 2006.

Hopefully, breath testing equipment is available and used at sports bars across the Nation to prevent impaired drivers from killing and maiming our families.

The Super Bowl has gotten so big as a drinking specticle, it rivals any major holiday in alcohol consumed. A media analyist on FOX news joked that Presidential candidates didn’t want to purchase the costly TV Ads during the Super Bowl(Over $2 million for a second spot) since most of the viewers would be intoxicated and unable to comprehend or retain any message in their commercial. This is a rare example of the media telling the truth about the effects of alcohol. It also a sad commentary on how acceptable getting drunk is on Super Sunday.